(03)3662920 sales@industrialmaintenance.co.nz

Freestanding gantry cranes

Bridge Cranes Freestanding and Ceiling:

  • Options for freestanding (bolted to the floor) or ceiling mount (attached to the structure of the building)
  • Capacities up to 2000kg
  • Available spans to 9.1m
  • Bridge lengths to 10.3m for floor mounted
  • Gorbel enclosed track allows unsurpassed ease of movement

Monorail options also available (a single runway normally ceiling mounted and a hoist)

Freestanding Gantry Cranes:

Industrial Maintenance Group designs and manufactures in Christchurch freestanding overhead travelling cranes and supplies throughout New Zealand – recent installations range from Invercargill to Auckland.
We are your one stop shop for your overhead lifting requirements – including design and certification of the bridge and structure, local manufacture, transport to your site, installation, site load testing and commissioning.
We custom design to suit your specific requirements.

Rodin Cars North Canterbury:

1.1T SWL x 8.5m span portal crane.

Powered long travel, cross travel and hoisting

Runs on floor rails

Freestanding Crane

3T SWL x 10.5m span overhead traveling crane (powered hoisting, cross and long travel), installed August 2022 in Auckland, including 15m length freestanding support structure.

2 off 500kg SWL building construction cranes, easily dismantled and moved between floors. Freestanding (ie, not anchored to the floor) for maximum versatility.

Other significant crane projects we have been involved with.

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